Monday, July 16, 2012

Dehydrated Figs Anyone?

While visiting one of my kids, their fig tree was producing wonderful fruit.  I have never eaten fresh figs before.  It was a real treat.  I never imagined the fresh fruit being so sweet. 

Seeing the fig tree in person gave a big picture of the significance of Jesus rebuking a fig tree for not bearing fruit and it dried up right then.  For some reason, I had pictured a fig tree as more of big bush.  To have a large tree (figs are a very full tree) dry up immediately is amazing.  Not bearing fruit is a huge lesson for us to learn....are we bearing fruit as His child?  I don't think Jesus is going to 'dry us up' but I do think He wants us to bear fruit.  A good lesson to learn.

Now, onto dried figs! 

Since I wasn't going to be able to readily go out and pick figs, I decided to pick as many as I could reach and bring them home to dehydrate.  I can't tell you how easy it is to dehydrate food.  I simply washed the figs and filled the trays.  I turned the dehydrator to 125 degrees and left it to do its thing!  They do have a lot of moisture so it took about 14 hours to dehydrate.

I am still getting to enjoy the figs that I picked a month ago.   I had planned on making fig newton cookies but it never happened.  We ate them all. :)  I think I am going to try to plant a fig tree.  They are soooo good.

I know I sound like a broken record but the L'Equip Profilter Dehydrator is the dehydrator of choice. Why?  It filters the air before it passes over your food.  Picture your air return filters!  Disgusting to think about the dirty air that passes over your food.  Having filtered air passing over your fresh food that you are preserving is a must.  The best is that the L'Equip Profilter is on sale!  It is only $129.99 and includes 10 extra fruit leather trays.  You will love having this kitchen accessory in your kitchen. Click here to learn more!

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