Showing posts with label Bosch Mixer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bosch Mixer. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why the Bosch Mixer?

If you have ever been to one of my demos, seen me at a trade show, gone to one of my workshops, or watched my video on my web site, you will hear me tell you how the Bosch Universal Plus mixer can do more than any other mixer on the market!  I have made 33 dozen chocolate chip cookies, 10# of mash potatoes in 3 minutes, made 9 1# loaves of bread and did as small as one egg white!  Well, you can now watch this in action.  Take time to watch the 2 minute video!  It is says it all  without a word!!??!!

If you have been wondering if the Bosch mixer is worth it, think of your time, your ease in making great foods and the money you will save!!

In fact, here is a break down of savings with just the bread items you buy:

Another interesting fact....we began to do the numbers of the money our family has saved JUST with me making our whole wheat bread.  I was rather  taken back when we did a rough count of how many loaves of bread I had made since 1984, when I purchased my first Bosch Universal mixer.  BTW, I am still using my 1984 Bosch Mixer!!  It is sitting on my kitchen counter awaiting our smoothies, as I type!  Alas, I digress. 

So back to the amount of loaves I have approximately made with my Bosch mixer since 1984: 24,648 loaves of bread!!  That means I saved our family a ton of money! This is near $100,000.... like I am still in shell shock.  You know how you know you have done a lot of things but when you actually put it on paper that is when the reality of life hits you.  This is one of those moments.  When I add all the other bread products (pizza, hamburger buns, hotdog buns, cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls, etc.), the number is probably nearer $200,000!  I realized this is not just pocket change that I have saved our family, but we could buy a house with this money. 

When I tell people they can save money with the simple step of just baking bread....I am not kidding!  The numbers prove it. 

I have a friend who loves to say "Today is the day!"  Hummm....I think I will take up this mantra, "Today is the DAY! You can start saving your family budget a ton of money with a simple step of making fresh wholesome whole wheat bread.  You can actually eat your way to saving money.  What a deal.

Check out the Bosch mixer...Today is the day to start saving money!

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Art of Bread Making!

I told you all about the studio taping I did last September demonstrating the Bosch Universal Mixer and how to make bread.  As much as I don't like seeing myself on DVD nor hearing myself recorded, I am telling you about my workshop: Beautiful, Bountiful Bread.

Check out the workshop and you will see why I LOVE my Bosch and how easy it is to make bread!!

Here is the link:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Let the Cameras Roll

The making of a movie star?!  I think not!  You may have checked it out or were curious.  I am now in a virtual convention.  It is pretty neat for the tech savvy people and a 'wow' for people like me who are not quite so savvy.  We had a studio production of me teaching the art of bread making; the how to's of grinding your own grain and wheat berries; and how and why to dehydrate foods.

It is pretty funny to talk to a camera.  I think I was looking at the camera, but we will see how well I did when the tape comes out.   Thankfully, Rebecca Keliher who is the host of Home Educating Association, was great in keeping the conversation going and asking great questions.  We had a lot of fun and many laughs.

Many may not know but there are lots of behind the scene workers pulling off the 'show.'  We had a makeup artist, camera men, sound people and a wonderful home donated for us to use their kitchen for the cooking scene.  Foodnet here I come....just kidding. :)

I hope to post the video clips on my web site soon.  The classes will be on the  See the convention site.  My booth is in the Jefferson Hall.  Modern technology is amazing.