Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nutritious Hot Pocket Sandwiches

Use the Basic Whole Wheat Bread Recipe (Click Here for recipe)

Make a round 1/4" thick circle of bread dough. Put your filling in the center. Fold ends in; then, fold the sides overlapping them. Let rise about 20 minutes. Bake 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

These are easily frozen. You now have a quick lunch/dinner idea.

We have filled ours with:
cooked ground beef w/ barbeque sauce
cooked ground beef; pizza sauce and cheese
grilled chicken pieces w/ mixed vegetables and white sauce
left over broccoli and chicken rice casserole
left over spinach artichoke dip*

*Artichoke Spinach Dip recipe
from Sensible Cooking Cookbook
(Click here! Remember for small orders I can adjust shipping!)

1 cup artichokes
juice from 1 lemon
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
2/3 cups Parmesan cheese
Mix ingredients and bake 350 degrees until bubbles.

Note from Paula: We had made this dip for a party and had lots of left over artichoke dip. I used the rest of the dip in a pocket sandwich. It tastes much like chicken cordon blue. You could add cooked chopped chicken to the dip for a more amazing hot pocket sandwich!


  1. I make them with canned clams mixed with onion, cheese, and mayo. When I was young, we called them bunnies, so I now pinch one end a little sharper than the other and add ears, eyes and tails. The folded dough underneath ends up looking like the legs.

  2. Oh, I forgot to add celery. Cheese, onion, celery, mayo and canned clams.

  3. do you bake them and then reheat if you are freezing them or freeze them raw?

  4. Thanks Tracy for sharing another filling for the pocket sandwiches. They are so fun and easy to fix.

    In answering Lyn's question, yes you can freeze them and reheat them in the microwave OR oven. This makes for a great lunch that your kids can fix. Treat them just like you would the pocket sandwiches you find in the store. If your sandwich is thick, it will take longer to heat. Thus, I didn't put an exact time to reheat. For the oven, reheat at 350 degrees until hot. I would wrap them in foil to keep them from browning further while reheating.

    If others have more ideas for fillings, share them with us!

  5. I bake the pocket sandwiches and then simply re-heat them.

    You could freeze them raw but the bread will continuing rising in the freezer for a short time and would grow into a large size pocket sandwich. I just wouldn't take the chance of having distorted pocket sandwiches. :)
