Create a Mexican Casserole!!
I had made Taco Soup which is always easy and a good hit with the family. However, I made way too much soup and the kids grew weary of eating the Taco Soup. I didn't want to waste my soup so I drained the excess liquid and created a Mexican Casserole.
So, we can zero in on my casserole or get the bigger picture...create a recipe! I used to be one who only combed the cookbooks to find something to cook. I would only bake/cook things that came in the form of a recipe. Several years ago, I realized that someone had to create the recipe. They just didn't happen. Someone had to taste/test the recipe to decide how much of a certain ingredient would make it good..better...best.
What do you do when you want to deviate from a recipe or use ingredients you have in the fridge to make something for dinner? Think about the things you like. Do you like cheese, sour cream or cream cheese? Do you like Cajan seasonings, Mexican seasoning, or soy flavorings? Incorporate your flavors that you like into a recipe. Cream cheese and sour cream mix well and do well with Cajan and Mexican seasonings. Throw meat in with them and you are creating something you will love.
Now, we get to my creation Mexican Casserole. My base was my Taco Soup. I then simply layered whole wheat tortillas, the drained taco soup mixture, dabbed sour cream over the meat mixture, and then a layer of cheese. I repeated the steps again. The results....a DELICIOUS meal. My soup wasn't wasted and the kids were relieved for a break from my Taco Soup. If you don't want to deviate from a recipe, below is my taco soup. Enjoy!
Taco Soup
6 (frozen!) Chicken boneless Chicken breasts
3 cans Ro-Tel
1 cup dry black beans
3 cups frozen corn
1 onion chopped
1 qt. chicken broth
1-2 cups water
1 Tbs. garlic powder
1 Tbs. chile powder
1 Tbs. ground cumin
Throw all in your crock pot and simmer for 6-8 hours. A great meal to start in the morning and have dinner ready without the evening rush to get dinner on the table.
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