Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thanksgiving Tree

A Thanksgiving Family Tradition. Too often we get caught up with the cooking and planning for our Thanksgiving meal that we forget to keep our children focused on reason for this holiday….being thankful. A fun way to help your kids expand their gratefulness is to create a “Thanksgiving Tree.” You can make your own construction paper leaves or go to the local learning store which will have paper cut outs of leaves. I, then, get barren sticks and place them in a weighted coffee can or jar. Keep the ‘leaves’ and a pen in a basket by your ‘tree.’ Each day the children write things they are thankful for on a leaf and tape it to the sticks. Soon your ‘tree’ will no longer be barren sticks but a colorful “Thanksgiving Tree.” Just a simple way to focus on the true meaning of Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Paula, I'm a person you send dealer emails to, tho I haven't been doing demos in awhile. I also have a blog and do a variety of stuff on it, including recipes. I'm going to start up a new format for my blog sometime soon. Am currently editing and doing illustrations for a Cycle of Celebrations book I'm writing, that the blog 'helped write'.

    I'm speaking at a MOPS group this week and my version of a Thanksgiving Tree is one thing I'm going to talk on before moving into the Advent season. I draw a bare tree every year and have the leaf cut-outs like you. People gluestick their 'leaves of things they're thankful for' to the tree. I put it up a bit before Thanksgiving. That way when the day comes the kids and everyone who's passed thru our home and added stuff to the tree, are in a grateful frame of mind/living.
