Monday, May 20, 2013

A sad day for Oklahomans

Many are watching/hearing the news that tornadoes have hit Oklahoma.  We are Oklahomans and grieve with those who have lost loved ones and their homes.

We are fine here in Skiatook (just outside Tulsa, OK), however, I did have 3 funnels make an appearance during the storm!  God was watching over us....

It was actually really weird.  I didn't even know there was bad weather happening.  The kids had just finished mowing our property and had come in for showers.  I had 2 grandkids here watching a movie, so we didn't have the news on to even know there was bad weather coming. My son says..."There is a guy in on our drive sitting in his car."  I go outside with my son to check it out.  The guy says, "I just love watching the clouds and saw your vantage point was cool."  He stayed a few moments, then left.  I look up at the clouds and see the rotation; tell my son go get the pantry/storm shelter ready and get the kids in the pantry w/ bike helmets; and tell mom to get in the pantry.  In case you are wondering why bike helmets, I put them on my grandchildren to protect them from any possible falling debri.

I stayed on the drive trying to determine the weather...the clouds....I see 2 small funnels come down over the trees south of us, but they quickly sucked back up to the clouds.  This is a first time ever here in at our Skaitook home!  Then, a bigger funnels starts to come but goes back up into the clouds.  The wind hits hard and strong....the clouds/storm moves east.  This whole episode lasted probably 20-30 minutes.  Crazy, but that is Oklahoma weather for you.  Anyway, we are fine, the storm is over BUT there is so much damage in OKC. :(  Time to pray for the needs of the people.


  1. The bike helmets are brilliant. We seen one form over our house Sunday in Wichita and it hit a mile away. Nothing near the OK tornado's devastation and no lives lost as it lifted quickly. Glad to hear everyone is safe.

  2. Glad the bike helmet suggestion will bless you. It just helps protect the little ones and for that matter all of us! Glad to hear you all are ok from the tornadoes that touched down near you. Stay safe! :)
