Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Promised Land part II

When my hubby began having the stirrings in his heart that it was time to close the chapter of our lives in Houston and working for his company of 30 years, I had much trepidation. It was a scary jump for me to walk away from a 'secure' job in these troubling times of high unemployment. Like were we crazy or what? God is so good to give us, me in particular, specific words to show His direction. I think the funniest for me was the morning I was having my devotions and read Deuteronomy 2:3. God was speaking to Moses about it being time to move on. God said, "Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward." I began to chuckle as I had never noticed this verse before. We had been in Houston for 3 long years and would be moving northward to OK. God was speaking in His still merciful voice in my ear..."Paula, how much plainer do I need to tell you to move northward to home!" You see a few days earlier, He had told me it was time to be back with our family. Most of our family lives in OK. I guess I need a knock on the head to budge. Isn't God patient with fearful hearts?

Take heart dear friends, God truly does plan the best for us and wants us to step out and trust Him. He can be trusted and wants to show Himself strong on your behalf. Stay tune to my next post on the promise land full of fear! :)

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