Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mt. Neverrest will end one day....

A friend pointed out that songs and verbiage around Christmas is filled with the word "joy" but really this coming holiday should bring the greatest joy...Christ is risen! When I was young, I couldn't figure out why older people would look toward eternity and heaven with such fondness. Now in my older years, I agree with Solomon's assessment "all is vanity," when assessing life. This coming holiday, Easter or as our family calls it Resurrection Day, brings great hope and joy for our future. The daily grind will come to an end....there will be an end to Mt. Neverrest (my laundry pile) and all my aches and pains will be gone. How can I be so sure? The Bible gives us that promise to cling too as we trust Him as our Lord and Savior. So take hope all you harried women out there this too shall pass and we will get a full night's sleep and eat to our hearts content without counting calories! Hurray! Did you know that Jesus even gave this promise of hope with His folded grave clothes?.....stay tune to my blog for the "rest of the story."

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