Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another Sad Day....

We received news of a dear friend, Randy Miller, going home to Jesus.  He is a fellow vendor in our trade show world and died during the booth set up of the Florida’s FPEA Homeschool convention.   His homecoming to Jesus is not sad but those left behind has brought tremendous sadness and grief.

Many of you may know this man at the home school convention, but only as the guy at Miller Pad.  This company offers a wonderful bounty of paper and art supplies.  They have had their business for over 20 years and have been faithful servicing the home school community.  I know you have been blessed if you have stopped by their booth.  In fact, I encourage you to stop by their booths at the future home school conventions to support this family.

Another twist to the grief many are sharing at the moment....many don't realize that vendors at conventions you attend have become 'family' with each other.  We see each other every weekend in different states.  We sweat with each other setting up our booths and tearing down our booths.  We visit with each other during the slow times of the home school conventions; we visit with each other at the end of the day; we visit with each other when the convention ends and before we take off to the next state.  Our kids have become friends and look forward to the next time they get to hang out together.  We are family.

Many of you simply know this vendor as the Miller Pad Booth who had wonderful bounty of paper and art supplies; but we know them as Renee and Randy Miller.  Randy was a quiet, gentle man who was so kind.  Just recently, he guarded my back in moving my truck and trailer!  I had to maneuver into a tight squeeze and he was there to help me get out.  A seemingly small thing but when you are exhausted and setting up a huge booth, do you really want to take care of someone else's problems?  Randy did.  He was such a kind man. 

Please pray for this family as they walk through the grief of the sudden death of husband, father, grandfather, and friend.  I am grateful we can all bond together to lift up a fellow family to Jesus.

If you are not going to a home school convention, you can shop online for their great products at:

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